Frequently asked questions

What is Human Design?

Human Design is a system that combines astrology, the I Ching, Kabbalah, the Hindu-Brahmin chakra model, and quantum physics to provide a unique and comprehensive understanding of a person’s nature, behavior, and life purpose. It offers a ‘design’ or ‘blueprint’ of our characteristics and traits, helping us understand ourselves and others better.

How can I benefit from understanding my Human Design?

By understanding your Human Design, you can tap into your natural strengths, navigate challenges more effectively, and create a more fulfilling life journey. It’s like having a map that guides you to your true self, helping you unlock your potential and live in alignment with your unique energetic blueprint.

What is a Human Design chart, and how do I read it?

A Human Design chart, often called a BodyGraph, visualizes your unique Human Design. It includes various elements such as Centers, Channels, Gates, and Profiles, each providing insights into your personality and life purpose. Reading it involves understanding these elements and their interconnections. It can be complex, but with guidance and study, it becomes a powerful tool for self-discovery.

What are the four types of Human Design?

The four types of Human Design are Manifestors, Generators (including Manifesting Generators), Projectors, and Reflectors. Each type has a unique strategy for making decisions and interacting with the world. Manifestors are initiators, Generators are builders, Projectors are guides, and Reflectors are evaluators.

What is a Profile in Human Design?

A Profile in Human Design combines two numbers that provide further insight into your personality and life purpose. It adds another layer of depth to your Human Design, offering insights into your strengths, challenges, and how you interact with the world. There are 12 profiles in total, each with its unique characteristics.

What are Centers in Human Design?

Centers in Human Design are the nine geometric shapes you see in your BodyGraph. Each Center corresponds to a specific aspect of your being, such as your mind, emotions, communication, or intuition. Centers can be defined (colored in) or undefined (white), influencing how you process energy and information.

What is Gates in Human Design?

Gates in Human Design are the 64 numbered points in your BodyGraph. They correspond to the 64 hexagrams of the I Ching and represent specific energies or themes. Each Gate is part of a Channel, and its energy is expressed when it forms a complete Channel with another Gate.

What is the role of the Incarnation Cross in Human Design?

The Incarnation Cross in Human Design represents your life purpose or destiny. It’s determined by the positions of the Sun and Earth in your chart at the time of your birth and six months prior. The Incarnation Cross provides insight into your unique contribution to the world and the main themes of your life journey.

What does having an undefined or open Center in Human Design mean?

Having an undefined or open Center in your Human Design means that you don’t have a consistent way of processing the energy related to that Center. Instead, you amplify the energy from others, which can lead to learning and wisdom about that Center’s themes. However, it can also lead to inconsistency, unpredictability, and susceptibility to influence in those areas.

What does it mean to “live your design” in Human Design?

To “live your design” in Human Design means to make decisions and live your life in alignment with your unique energetic blueprint. This involves understanding and following your Strategy and Authority, embracing your Type, Profile, Centers, Channels, and Gates, and living out the themes of your Incarnation Cross. It’s about being true to who you are at your core and living in a way that honors your natural strengths and tendencies.

What is Authority in Human Design?

Authority in Human Design refers to your inner decision-making process. It’s how you’re designed to make decisions that are correct for you based on your unique energetic blueprint. There are seven types of Authority: Emotional, Sacral, Splenic, Ego Manifested, Ego Projected, Self-Projected, and Lunar Cycle. The configuration of your Centers determines Your Authority.

What is the Not-Self Theme in Human Design?

The Not-Self Theme in Human Design is a sign that you’re not living in alignment with your true self. It’s a feeling or experience that arises when you make decisions based on conditioning from the world around you rather than following your Strategy and Authority. Each type has a Not-Self Theme: frustration for Generators, anger for Manifestors, bitterness for Projectors, and disappointment for Reflectors.

In Human Design what does Senses or Cognition mean?

In Human Design, seven senses or cognitions influence how individuals perceive the world and make decisions. These senses are:

  1. Smell: This sense is about more than just detecting odors. It’s about intuition, instinct, and sensing danger or opportunity. It’s about being able to “smell” the truth or a lie or to feel the mood of a room.

  2. Taste: This sense is about discernment and preference. It’s about knowing what you like and don’t like and being able to make choices based on this knowledge. It’s about savoring life's experiences and taking the time to enjoy them.

  3. Outer Vision: This sense is about seeing the world as it is, without filters or preconceptions. It’s about being able to perceive a situation's reality and see things from a different perspective.

  4. Inner Vision: This sense is about introspection and self-awareness. It’s about looking within and understanding your thoughts, feelings, and motivations. It’s about being able to envision possibilities and imagine different scenarios.

  5. Feeling: This sense is about emotional awareness and empathy. It’s about feeling your own emotions and those of others and using this understanding to navigate social situations and make decisions.

  6. Touch: This sense is about physical connection and presence. It’s about being in contact with your body and the physical world. It’s about feeling the texture of life and appreciating the tangible aspects of existence.

  7. Cognition: This sense is about mental processing and understanding. It’s about thinking, reasoning, and making sense of information. It’s about being able to learn, remember, and apply knowledge.

Each of these senses provides a unique way of perceiving and interacting with the world. Understanding and embracing your specific mind can enhance your decision-making, self-awareness, and overall well-being.