A prism, reflecting and magnifying the energies around them. Just as a prism refracts light to display a spectrum of colors, a Reflector samples and magnifies the frequencies of their environment; they provide valuable insights about their community, much like a prism that reveals the hidden beauty of light.

Reflectors, the rarest energy type in the Human Design system, comprise about 1% of the population. They are the mirrors of society, reflecting the health and well-being of their community.

Unlike other types, Reflectors have no defined centers in their chart, making them incredibly open and receptive to the energies around them. This openness allows them to sample and magnify the frequencies of their environment, giving them a unique perspective on what’s happening around them.

Reflectors are lunar beings operating on a 28-day cycle influenced by the moon. Their strategy is to wait for a complete lunar cycle before making significant decisions, allowing them to fully process and understand their experiences.

The challenge for Reflectors is to manage their openness without becoming overwhelmed or losing themselves in the process. They must carefully select their environments and the people they allow into their inner circle.

Reflectors can provide valuable insights and judgments about their community when they align with their design. They are here to show us the power of reflection and the importance of fully understanding our experiences.