Gate #25

I-CHING Human Design Gate# 25 symbol.

Gate 25 in Human Design is located in the G Center and is known as the Gate of Innocence or Universal Love. Those with this gate activated can love unconditionally and see the world with wonder and innocence. The G Center is responsible for identity, direction in life, and love. Those with Gate 25 activated can bring warmth and compassion to their relationships but may struggle with boundaries or idealizing others. Embracing their ability to love unconditionally can bring fulfillment and inspire others.

Gate 25 in Human Design is located in the G Center and is known as the Gate of Innocence
or the Gate of Universal Love. Those with this gate activated can love
unconditionally and see the world with a sense of wonder and innocence.

Gate 25 in the Human Design System is also called the Gate of Innocence or the Gate
of Universal Love. This gate is located in the G Center, responsible for identity,
direction in life, and love. The G Center is also associated with self-love, intuition, and the
power to connect with others on a deep level.

Individuals with Gate 25 activated in their Human Design chart can love unconditionally and see the world with wonder and innocence. They often serve as beacons of love and acceptance, using their ability to love unconditionally to bring warmth and compassion to their relationships. They need to connect with others on a deep level and express their love freely.

However, Gate 25 also has a shadow side. The drive for universal love can sometimes lead
to a lack of boundaries or a tendency to idealize others. Those with this gate may struggle with being overly naive or may face challenges setting boundaries in their relationships.

Gate 25 is also associated with the concept of “innocence.” This means that those with this gate activated may have a strong ability to see the world with a sense of wonder and innocence, often finding joy in the simple things in life.

When those with Gate 25 embrace their ability to love unconditionally and use it to connect with others, they can experience a deep sense of fulfillment and joy. They can inspire others
with their innocence and ability to love unconditionally, showing that love and innocence can be powerful tools for connection and understanding.