The Dance of Mercury Retrograde in Virgo:

A Human Design Perspective


Mercury retrograde is a celestial event from August 23rd to September 15th. It happens in Mercury’s home sign of Virgo, representing our ideas, thoughts, and communication style in Human Design. This period encourages introspection, reassessment of self-perception, and actions toward our dreams. Let’s embrace this time of growth.

Greetings, fellow seekers of wisdom and understanding! As we approach the end of August, we are about to witness a celestial event that often stirs up a mix of anticipation and apprehension: Mercury going into retrograde. This year, the event begins on August 23rd and will last until September 15th. But this retrograde period is particularly noteworthy because it’s happening in Mercury’s home sign of Virgo, a mutable earth sign deeply connected to the Earth and the Yin, or feminine, side of Mercury.

In the realm of Human Design, Mercury represents our ideas, thoughts, and communication style. It’s the planet that governs how we process, think, and talk about things. When Mercury goes retrograde, it’s as if the universe invites us to reassess and reevaluate these aspects of our lives. 

During this retrograde period, Virgo’s influence will be strongly felt. Known for its association with holistic healing, natural remedies, and food, Virgo encourages us to cleanse, purify, and refine. It’s a time for us to prepare for the great purge that comes with the season of Fall. 

But how does this play into our Human Design? Well, it’s all about the communication we have with ourselves. This Mercury Retrograde will be a time of introspection, of looking inward and reassessing how we talk to ourselves, perceive our health, and take action toward our dreams. 

Virgo’s influence may bring themes of self-criticism and perfectionism to the surface. These are not to be feared, but rather, they are to be reframed. Remember, in the world of Human Design, challenges are growth opportunities. 

So, as Mercury goes into retrograde in Virgo, let’s embrace this period of reassessment. Let’s take this opportunity to refine our thoughts, cleanse our self-perception, and purify our actions. Let’s use this time to align our communication style with our true selves, enhance our health, and take confident steps toward our dreams.

Remember, the planets and their movements are not there to dictate our lives but to provide us with insights and opportunities for growth. So, let’s dance with Mercury Retrograde, not against it. After all, it’s all part of our unique and beautiful Human Design.