Your Human Design Guide:


With ten years of diverse education and a seven-year journey of experimenting with living by my design and deconditioning, I am here to guide you through your unique Human Design. I use my intuition and experience to help you understand your blueprint. My goal is to help you live authentically, in alignment with your true self. Let’s work together to unlock your full potential and truly create a life that is yours.

Personalized Chart Readings Interactive Human Design Classes One-on-One Coaching In-depth Profile Analysis Strategic Life Guidance Cross of Life Analysis Customized Human Design Reports

What is Human Design?

Unraveling the Blueprint of Your Unique Existence

Human Design is an intriguing system that seamlessly integrates principles from various fields such as The I Ching, astrology, Kabbalah, the Hindu-Brahmin chakra model, and quantum physics. Your personalized Human Design Chart, or BodyGraph, is meticulously crafted using your birth details, unveiling your unique genetic blueprint.

This chart serves as a practical guide, enabling you to tap into your body’s consciousness as a decision-making tool and assisting you in living as your authentic self. It’s akin to having a tailor-made map or manual that accentuates your individuality and guides you to live in harmony with your true nature.

When we align with our authentic selves, we experience a profound sense of comfort and acceptance, liberating us from the pursuit of becoming someone we’re not. This alignment allows us to live out our real purpose in the world, leading to a fulfilling and meaningful life.

The Human Design Types

Human Design is a system that assigns individuals an energy type, similar to astrological signs. Understanding and mastering your energy type is essential, as it offers valuable insights into how to use and interact with others' energy effectively.


The Mirror of Society

The Human Design System Reflector Bodygraph TypeThose who act as mirrors for the energy around them possess the unique ability to assess the health and well-being of their environment.

Manifesting Generator
Manifesting Generator

The Energetic Innovator

The Human Design System Manifesting Generator Bodygraph TypeThis person is a dynamic blend of a Manifestor and a Generator, excelling in multitasking, rapid learning, and innovative problem-solving while pursuing their passions.


The Catalyst of Change

The Human Design System Manifestor Bodygraph TypeAn individual who is a natural initiator can manifest things into reality by following their internal creative impulses.


The Life Force of Creation

The Human Design System Generator Bodygraph TypePeople with abundant life force energy who can sustain and create through their consistent and steady work.


The Guiding Light

The Human Design System Projector Bodygraph TypeAn individual with innate wisdom and guidance capabilities, excelling in directing and guiding others when invited.

The Human Design Gates

Exploring the 64 Hexagrams: A Comprehensive Guide to Human Design Gates

The 64 hexagrams, also known as the 64 Gates in Human Design. These gates correspond to the 64 hexagrams of the I Ching, each representing different aspects of human experience and potential. They are the building blocks of your unique Human Design chart, which visually represents the energies working within you and how they interact with the world around you.

This comprehensive guide will take you through each of these gates. We will explore their meanings, their roles in your chart, and how they influence your personality, behavior, and life purpose. Whether you’re looking for direction, seeking to understand your strengths and challenges, or simply curious about the intricacies of Human Design, this guide is designed to provide insightful and accessible information.

From Gate 1 – The Gate of Purpose, which drives us to find and fulfill our life’s purpose, to Gate 64 – The Gate of Confusion leading to Knowledge, which represents the completion of a cycle and the potential for new beginnings, each gate has a unique story to tell.

Gate 64 in the Head Center of Human Design is called the Gate of Confusion or Imagination. Those with this gate activated have imaginative, solid, and visualization skills but may need help to ground their ideas in reality. Embracing their ability to imagine and using it to visualize their ideas can lead to fulfillment and creativi

Gate 63 in Human Design is called the Gate of Doubt or Inquiry. Those with this gate activated possess strong critical thinking and problem-solving skills but may need help with self-doubt and trusting their insights. Embracing their ability to question and doubt can lead to personal growth and fulfillment, inspiring others to chal

Gate 62 in Human Design is the Gate of Details or Practicality in the Throat Center. Those with this gate activated are detail-oriented, organized, and can practically organize things. They might need help with flexibility and seeing the bigger picture. Embracing their ability to focus on details and using them to manage things can

Gate 61 in Human Design is the Head Center's Gate of Mystery or Inner Truth. It inspires mental pressure and the drive to understand, making those with this gate activated introspective and insightful individuals. However, overthinking or getting lost in one's thoughts can occur. Embracing the ability to delve into the unknown can

Gate 60 in Human Design is the Root Center's Gate of Acceptance or Limitation. Those with this gate activated are practical and grounded but may struggle with feeling restricted. By embracing their ability to work within limits, they can experience fulfillment and inspire others.

Gate 59 in Human Design is located in the Sacral Center, known as the Gate of Sexuality or Dispersion. It allows for deep connections with others, but those with it activated may face challenges with boundaries. Those with Gate 59 activated may have a solid ability to connect sexually, which can lead to fulfillment and inspire othe

Gate 58 in Human Design is the Root Center's Gate of Joy or Vitality. It brings joy and vitality to individuals, making them more energetic and happy. However, it can also lead to overindulgence and ignoring negative aspects of life. Those with this gate may struggle with maintaining balance and facing difficulties. When individual

Gate 57 in Human Design is located in the Spleen Center and is known as the Gate of Intuitive Clarity or the Gate of the Fearful. Those with this gate activated can tap into their intuition and gain clarity but may face challenges in managing fear and trusting intuition. When embraced, intuition can bring fulfillment and inspire ot

Gate 56 in Human Design is located in the Throat Center and is known as the Gate of Stimulation or Storytelling. Those with this gate activated can communicate and stimulate others through their stories, showing excellent communication skills and creativity. However, the drive for stimulation can lead to exaggeration or a tendency

Gate 55 in Human Design is the Gate of Spirit or Abundance in the Solar Plexus Center. It enables individuals to access their emotional and spiritual depth, leading to emotional awareness and spiritual connection. Although it can result in emotional instability and difficulties grounding spiritual experiences, embracing Gate 55 can

Gate 54 in Human Design, called the Gate of Ambition or Drive, is located in the Root Center. It is activated in individuals who are ambitious and driven, possessing the ability to work hard and achieve their goals. However, this trait can lead to difficulties in maintaining a work-life balance. When those with Gate 54 embrace thei

Gate 46 in Human Design is located in the G Center and represents the Love of the Body or Determination. Those with this gate activated tend to be health-conscious and body-aware. However, it can lead to an obsession with physical appearance or neglect of other aspects of life. Gate 46 is also associated with remarkable resilience

Gate 45 in Human Design, located in the Throat Center, is responsible for communication, expression, and manifestation. Those with this gate activated can lead and unite others. However, the drive for leadership can sometimes lead to dominance or a tendency to control others. When those with Gate 45 embrace their ability to lead an

Gate 34 in Human Design is the Sacral Center's Gate of Power or Greatness. It empowers individuals and others, but must be careful not to be overly forceful or misuse their power. Embracing their ability to inspire and achieve can lead to fulfillment and purpose, inspiring others with their dynamic energy and ability to achieve gre

Gate 33 in Human Design is the Gate of Privacy or Retreat in the Throat Center. It governs communication, expression, and manifestation. Those with this gate activated require personal space and reflection time and may struggle to balance their need for solitude with social connection. The concept of "retreat" is associated with th

Gate 32 in Human Design is located in the Splenic Center, known as the Gate of Continuity or Endurance. It is associated with the concept of continuity, and those with this gate activated have a solid ability to endure and persist, often serving as reliable individuals. However, this drive for endurance can lead to stubbornness or

Gate 31 in Human Design is the Throat Center's Gate of Influence or Leadership. Those with this gate activated are natural leaders and influencers but may need help with being overly controlling or sharing power. Embracing their ability to lead and using it to influence others positively can bring a deep sense of fulfillment and pu

Gate 30 in Human Design is the Gate of Feelings or Desire in the Solar Plexus Center. Activated individuals feel deeply and passionately but may struggle with emotional balance and managing their desires. They can find fulfillment and inspire others with their passion by embracing their ability to handle profound and pursue their d

Gate 29 in human design is the "yes" gate in the sacral center. It represents perseverance and commitment to what is right. Those with this gate activated are generally dedicated and persistent individuals. However, they may need assistance setting boundaries and saying no when necessary. When they embrace their ability to commit a

Gate 28 in human design is known as the gate of the game player or the entrance of struggle. It represents resilience, strategic thinking, and the ability to overcome obstacles. Those with this gate activated may need help with being overly competitive or finding peace and contentment. When individuals embrace their ability to face

Gate 27 in Human Design is located in the Sacral Center and is known as the Gate of Caring or Nourishment. Those with this gate activated have a solid ability to care for and nurture others, but may struggle with setting boundaries in their caregiving. When those with Gate 27 embrace their ability to care for others, they can exper

Gate 26 in the Heart Center of Human Design represents the power of influence and persuasion. It enables individuals to be effective negotiators and salespeople, but they may need help with being overly self-centered. Gate 26 is also associated with unconventional problem-solving and finding solutions in complex situations. Embraci

Gate 25 in Human Design is located in the G Center and is known as the Gate of Innocence or Universal Love. Those with this gate activated can love unconditionally and see the world with wonder and innocence. The G Center is responsible for identity, direction in life, and love. Those with Gate 25 activated can bring warmth and com

Gate 24 in Human Design is located in the Ajna Center, the Gate of Rationalization or Blessings. It is responsible for mental processes, and those with this gate activated can rationalize experiences. They are often deep thinkers and problem solvers but may struggle with overthinking or explaining away emotions. Gate 24 is also ass

Gate 23 in Human Design's Throat Center is the Gate of Assimilation or Splitting Apart. Its activation allows for effective communication and teaching through the assimilation of information. However, it can also lead to feeling overwhelmed and needing help effectively communicating thoughts. Those with Gate 23 activated may seek u

Gate 22 in the Solar Plexus Center is the Gate of Grace or Openness, representing emotions, desires, and intuition. Those with this gate activated can express their feelings and seek environments that support emotional expression and connection. However, this drive can lead to instability or a lack of emotional boundaries. Gate 22

Gate 21 in Human Design's Heart Center is the Gate of Control or the Hunter/Huntress. Those with this gate activated are effective managers and leaders who can control resources but may need help balancing their need for control with cooperation. Embracing their ability to control and manage resources can lead to fulfillment and su

Gate 20 in Human Design's Throat Center is the Gate of the Now or Contemplation. It enables presence and self-awareness but can lead to neglecting long-term goals or failing to learn from past experiences. Those with Gate 20 activated have a solid ability to reflect and ponder. Balancing present focus with future planning and past

Gate 19 in Human Design is the Sacral Center's Gate of Wanting or Sensitivity. It represents a strong desire for community and connection but can also lead to feeling overly sensitive and struggling with emotional management and setting boundaries in relationships. Those with Gate 19 activated may strongly desire things and can exp

Gate 18 in Human Design is called the Gate of Correction or Perfection, located in the Ajna Center. It enables individuals to identify areas that require improvement and become catalysts for change. However, pursuing perfection may lead to criticism and a lack of acceptance. Those with Gate 18 can inspire others and find fulfillmen

Gate 17 in Human Design, located in the Ajna Center, is the Gate of Opinions or Following. It can stimulate discussions and influence others through opinions. However, it can also lead to dogmatism and a lack of open-mindedness. Balancing intellectual stimulation with open-mindedness can be challenging, but embracing the ability to

Gate 16 in Human Design is located in the Throat Center and is known as the Gate of Skills or Enthusiasm. It gives individuals the natural talent and drive to do things, often figuring out the details later. However, without the connection to Gate 48, it may lack depth and mastery. Gate 16 represents skills, enthusiasm, and the dri

Gate 15 in Human Design is the Gate of Extremes or Love of Humanity. People with this gate activated have a strong sense of rhythm, are deeply connected to humanity, and are driven to contribute. However, their drive for rhythm can lead to extremes in behavior or emotions, making it challenging to maintain balance. When embraced, G

Gate 14 in Human Design is known as the Gate of Power or Blessing and is located in the Sacral Center. Those with this gate activated have a solid drive to manifest their desires and inspire others to pursue their goals. However, it can be challenging to balance achievement with rest and rejuvenation. When those with Gate 14 embrac

Gate 13 in Human Design is the Gate of the Listener or Fellowship in the G Center. It gives those with this gate-activated ability to listen deeply and understand others. They often serve as confidants and desire community and connection. However, they may become over-involved in others' lives or carry burdens. Embracing their abil

Gate 12 in Human Design is the Caution or Standstill Gate in the Throat Center. It is associated with manifestation, leadership, and the power of the spoken word. Individuals with Gate 12 activated often serve as mediators and maintain harmony and balance in their interactions. However, the drive for caution can lead to hesitation

Gate 11 in Human Design's Ajna Center represents the generation and sharing of innovative ideas, inspiring others and leading to a sense of fulfillment and purpose. Those with this gate activated may experience mental overload and struggle to balance the need for intellectual stimulation with peace and tranquility. They may also de

Gate 10 in Human Design's G Center is the Gate of Behavior or Treading Gate. It represents behavior and individuality. Those with this gate activated serve as role models and have a deep understanding of their behavior. However, they may need help balancing their need for self-expression with societal norms. Embracing their individ

Gate 9 in Human Design System is known as the Gate of Focus. It represents intense focus and attention to detail. Those with this gate in their chart are detail-oriented and can concentrate intensely on a task or subject. However, they may struggle with tunnel vision or neglect other areas of their life. Balancing their focus with

Gate 8 in Human Design is located in the Throat Center and is known as the Gate of Contribution or Group Activity. Those with this gate activated have a solid drive to contribute uniquely to the world and balance their expression with the need to contribute to a larger community or group. Embracing their unique gifts can lead to fu

Gate 7 in Human Design represents one's role in group interactions, particularly in leadership and service. Those with this gate are natural leaders seeking to contribute to their community positively. However, they may face challenges such as power struggles or difficulty understanding their role within a group. To overcome these

Individuals with Gate 6 in Human Design are highly emotional and passionate due to the complete range of human emotions that this gate represents. They are inclined toward experiences that allow them to explore their feelings deeply. Although their emotional authenticity can inspire others, their intensity can sometimes lead to rel

Gate 5 in Human Design represents the need for stability and security through daily routines but can lead to rigidity and anxiety when faced with unexpected disruptions. Those with this gate should learn to balance strength with flexibility and trust in themselves and the universe. Overall, Gate 5 has the potential to inspire other

Gate 4 in Human Design focuses on seeking understanding and formulating theories. Those with this gate are analytical and excel in fields that require analytical thinking. However, embracing intellectual curiosity and exploring without finding definitive answers is essential. Gate 4 isn't just about solutions but also about seeking

Gate 3 in Human Design represents energies that can influence a person's personality, behavior, and life path. Those with Gate 3 are innovative and transformative, leading cultural shifts. However, their drive for change can lead to challenges such as restlessness, resistance from others, instability, or chaos. Despite these challe

Gate 2 in Human Design's Ajna Center is responsible for mental processes like analysis, logic, and intuition. Those with Gate 2 are intuitive and receptive, able to connect with the universe's guidance. However, they may require assistance in trusting their intuition or feeling overwhelmed by the multitude of directions available t

Gate 1 in the Throat Center of Human Design chart is responsible for communication and self-expression. Its activation drives individuals to express themselves and their unique perspectives, leading to artistic or creative pursuits. However, societal pressure to conform can lead to feelings of isolation. Embracing individuality and